analyzed predecompression and postdecompression panoramic radiographs in a total of 32 odontogenic cysts
analyzed predecompression and postdecompression panoramic radiographs in a total of 32 odontogenic cysts. significant difference was observed between the two organizations. The two-tailed value was found to be 0.0001. The confidence interval was found to be 95%. Conclusions: The proliferative activity evaluated by Ki-67 marker was higher in predecompression epithelial lining compared to postdecompression. Our study infers that proliferative rate of the cystic epithelial lining is significantly diminished after decompression. value was found to be 0.0001. By standard criteria, this difference is considered to be extremely statistically significant. The confidence interval was found to be 95%. The intermediate ideals observed were t = 9.0000 (distribution of data) and df = 18 (degree of freedom). Table 5 Statistical analysis thead th align=”remaining” rowspan=”1″ colspan=”1″ Group /th th align=”center” rowspan=”1″ colspan=”1″ Tetrahydrozoline Hydrochloride Predecompression /th th align=”center” rowspan=”1″ colspan=”1″ Posthecompression /th th align=”center” rowspan=”1″ colspan=”1″ Significance between two organizations /th /thead Mean2.21 em P /em 0.0001 (statistically, extremely significant)SD0.420SEM0.130 em n /em 1010 Open in a separate window SD: Standard deviation, SEM: Standard error of mean Conversation The average time of decompression was found to be 7.3 2 weeks. In this study, we used I-CAT CBCT software (Carestream Dental care, Rochester, New York, U.S.A.) to measure the bone density of cyst and adjacent normal bone before and after decompression. In most of CLTB the individuals, lesions completely disappeared after completion of decompression. Result of the present study is comparable to some extent with a study of August em et al /em . who analyzed 14 cysts, out of which were six males and eight Tetrahydrozoline Hydrochloride females with an average age of 32 years, whereas in our study, average age is definitely 26 9.2 years.[14] Ten cysts were mandibular, and four were maxillary, with an average duration of 8.4 months of decompression which is similar to our study 7.3 2 weeks. Schlieve em et al /em . in their study of 25 cysts treated with decompression the imply age was 34 years and 14 were male and 11 were female. Most lesions were located in the mandible (angle and ramus); the remaining lesions were located in the posterior maxilla.[15] The average time of decompression; was 9C12 weeks which is definitely Tetrahydrozoline Hydrochloride somewhat related to our study. Enislidis em et al /em . evaluated prospectively the effect of decompression as the primary treatment of large mandibular cysts in 24 individuals, out of which four individuals did not turn up for follow-up. Fourteen were male and 6 were female with an average age of 40 years. Eleven cysts were in mandibular angle and 9 in the mandibular symphysis. Their study group consisted of 8 keratocysts, 5 RCs, 6 DCs, and one 1 epithelial cyst. After a imply period of decompression of 446 days, cysts experienced shrunk by a imply of 81%.[16] This study is in accordance with the present study. Similar results were shown by Anavi em et al /em . in a study group of 67 individuals with male-to-female percentage of 1 1.4:1, mean decompression time of 9.2 5.2 months; it was 7.6 months in individuals 18 years old and 10.2 months in older individuals.[17] Our results were compatible with additional study done by Marker em et al /em . where the sex distribution of the initial group was 8 males and 4 ladies. In the new group, there were six males and five ladies. The male/female ratio of the two combined organizations was 14/9. The average age distribution was 47 years in the original group and 25 years in the new.
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