Peptide- based ELISA was used to judge the diagnostic capability of pep-LppZ-13 and pep-LppZ-1


Peptide- based ELISA was used to judge the diagnostic capability of pep-LppZ-13 and pep-LppZ-1. TB diagnose. Pep-LppZ-13 includes a level of sensitivity of 43.3% and a specificity of 88.5% in TB detect. Conclusions Our result proven that peptide array testing would be an edge strategy of testing TB diagnostic peptides. Electronic supplementary materials The online […]

Louis, MO, USA) (1 mol/L) for 30 minutes at 37C


Louis, MO, USA) (1 mol/L) for 30 minutes at 37C. were released. Once this process was beyond the limit of intrinsic antagonism, it induced programmed cell death cooperatively via caspase-independent and caspase-dependent pathways. 0.001) (Figure ?(Figure1A)1A) in chemotherapy resistant cell lines (K562/ADM and HL60/ADM). Among the primary cells, Cells from patient 2 had the lowest […]