Standard immunofluorescence staining Procyclic and promastigote cells were washed and re-suspended in PBS to 1 1 107 cells ml?1


Standard immunofluorescence staining Procyclic and promastigote cells were washed and re-suspended in PBS to 1 1 107 cells ml?1. [2]. Another prominent feature is the presence of the flagellum, the principal motility organelle, which contains the evolutionarily conserved microtubule-based axoneme, and the kinetoplastid-specific paraflagellar rod [2]. The flagellum specifies, via association with 5(6)-FITC its base, […]

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[PMC free content] [PubMed] [Google Scholar] 18. in 786\O cells. 786\O cells had been transfected with HA\JUP (0, 0.4, or 1g) plasmids. Cell lysates had been PLX51107 put through SDS\PAGE accompanied by immunoblotting with anti\HIF2, anti\HA, and anti\GAPDH antibody. B, The inhibitory aftereffect of JUP on HIF2 amounts is normally restored by co\appearance of pVHL […]